Girl Scouts of Central Indiana promises every girl Her Seat at the Table. A seat at all tables— from the college mathematics lecture hall to the manufacturing floor to the corner office to the statehouse chamber—wherever they dream of making great discoveries, provoking thought, creating innovative tech, or changing the world. She’s been underrepresented for far too long, and Girl Scouts will provide every opportunity and every tool necessary for her to find her voice and HER SEAT.
Learn more about Civics & Democracy and Financial Literacy for Girl Scouts of all ages.
This summer we’re showing girls they can have a seat at the table – a giant seat! Each Girl Scouts of Central Indiana summer camp property has a huge Adirondack chair labeled with #HerSeat and the IU Health summer camp sponsor logo. The chairs serve two purposes: (1) a great selfie station for girls to gather with their best camp friends and take a fun photo, and (2) a space where camp counselors can show and tell girls they have the power to do and be whatever they want and why it’s important for more girls and women to have a seat at the table, aligning with our Her Seat campaign.
The Her Seat campaign urges our followers to understand that girls and women are hugely or unequally underrepresented in most career fields. Her Seat is a promise.
“Girl Scouts of Central Indiana promises every girl HER SEAT at the Table. A seat at all tables— from the college mathematics lecture hall to the manufacturing floor to the corner office to the statehouse chamber—wherever they dream of making great discoveries, provoking thought, creating innovative tech, or changing the world. She’s been underrepresented for far too long, and Girl Scouts will provide every opportunity and every tool necessary for her to find HER voice and HER SEAT.”
According to the Indiana Youth Institute, “women are substantially outnumbered by males in science and engineering fields,” and “not all Indiana students are able to maximize their STEM potential, especially students of color, females, students from high poverty and rural areas.” That’s really unfortunate for Indiana youth!
Girl Scouts offers dozens of STEM badges, many focused on engineering, so girls have great opportunities to supplement their school learning with fun while discovering and learning skills to make their engineering future a reality.
Although about 73% of the Indiana voting eligible Indiana residents are registered to vote, only about 39% of them turn out to vote at the general election. If you are not among the 73% WE WANT YOUR VOICE TO COUNT, TOO! One of the best ways we can ensure every girl has the opportunity to achieve a seat at the table—wherever they dream of making great discoveries, provoking thought, creating innovative tech, or changing the world – is by using our votes to promote what we believe is important. She’s been underrepresented for far too long. Won’t you make sure you’re registered to vote right away?
In Indiana only 65% of girls start college, challenged by racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, geographical, and financial gaps. Organizational leadership, STEM careers and public spaces are all places where girls in Indiana should be able to see themselves as grown-ups! The time is now to do more and do better for the girls of today who will be dynamic and brilliant leaders of the future – and we’re here for it.
Take a look at our Events page at to see the oodles of girl-led and hands-on fun, creative and explorative programs and activities going on all year long that encourage and prepare the girls of central Indiana can become the leaders of tomorrow wherever they see themselves.
Only 51% of Indiana registered voters turned out for the 2018 midterms. That is not good enough.
Elections offer a unique opportunity to help build a foundation for active citizenship and leadership – two key journeys for Girl Scouts. You have a voice—it’s important that you use it! Promise a Girl Scout you will vote!
These facts for women in politics are unsettling!
-Women make up only 23.3% of elected Indiana state legislators.
-Only 7 of 18 major party nominees for US House in Indiana are women.
-No woman from Indiana has ever served in the US Senate.
-Indiana has never had a female governor.
All of the top 10 occupations projected to grow in Indiana through 2026 are STEM jobs, and girls have bold dreams of doing them! But not having enough resources and planning is a big barrier.
Together we can do more and do better for the girls of today who will be dynamic and brilliant leaders of the future.
Through girl-led hands-on activities and cooperative learning in Girl Scouts, more girls in central Indiana can become the leaders of tomorrow in public service, STEM spaces, and board rooms.
In Indiana, only 36% of seats of influence are held by females while 51% of the population is female. That is not ok!
One way we’re empowering every girl to find HER SEAT is through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, where through Girl Scouting girls discover, connect and lead – with the help of supportive adults and troop leaders who help bring these three unique processes to life, girls try new things, share their full selves, and see how good it feels to lead from the heart.
In honor of International Day of the Girl 2022, Girl Scouts of Central Indiana is announcing the promise that every girl will have Her Seat at the Table. A seat at all tables— from the college mathematics lecture hall to the manufacturing floor to the corner office to the statehouse chamber—wherever they dream of making great discoveries, provoking thought, creating innovative tech, or changing the world.
She’s been underrepresented for far too long, and Girl Scouts of Central Indiana will provide every opportunity and every tool necessary for her to find her voice and HER SEAT. Stay tuned for all the ways Girl Scouts of Central Indiana is going to make this world, one seat at a time, here in Indiana, a better place for females through our “Her Seat at the Table” promise.
Women working full time in Indiana earn only 75% of income men do. Girl Scouts is working to close the gender income gap through Girl Scout entrepreneurship programs, girls develop entrepreneurship, leadership, and financial literacy skills so that girls have both the skills and the knowledge needed to advocate for equal pay when they enter the workforce.
Women make up only 23.3% of elected US Representatives and Senators serving Indiana. Girl Scouts is equipping girls to grow their civics and democracy knowledge and desire to participate through 12 badge programs in democracy and civics, experience at Girl Scout Day at the Statehouse and Page Days, and learn even more through the I Promised a Girl Scout I Would Vote patch program.
Although women make up more than half of the US workforce, they hold less than 25% of STEM jobs. Girl Scouts offers 117 STEM badges and 6 STEM Career Badges, allowing girls to discover STEM through cybersecurity, automotive and mechanical engineering, math in nature, and so much more. That’s the Girl Scout difference!
Every April 23, World Laboratory Day honors lab spaces and workers, and celebrates the good that comes from them for all humankind, animals, nature, and space.
Sadly, women typically begin their laboratory careers making less money, with few support staff, and with lower quality space and equipment than their male counterparts. That’s just wrong!
At Girl Scouts, we’re aiming high to close the gender gap, however it is presented, and wherever girls see themselves in their futures. Girl Scouts: keep earning your STEM and financial literacy badges, keep working on your civics and democracy projects and let your voice be heard. We’re bringing the knowledge and opportunities for girls to be changemakers to ensure an equal future for themselves!
Fun fact: In 1818, Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' introduces the world to a spookier lab, one where anything is possible. At Girl Scouts we believe anything is possible for girls and women!
According to the IYI Kids Count 2022 Databook, 46.8% of female 9th graders indicated feeling sad for two or more weeks - more than twice as many females than their 9th grade male peers. That's a big deal, and mental health matters!
Sometimes a breath of fresh air (perhaps a visit to a Girl Scout Camp or a State Park) can help people feel better, and no better day than today to gather up some friends or family and go outside. Take a Walk Outdoors Day falls on January 20 every year.
Some of the mental health benefits of going for a walk include: boosts energy, improves overall mood, reduces stress and anxiety, helps with sleep, and offers an opportunity to socialize or be alone. Add to that the benefits of being outside, especially on a sunny day!
Women working full time in Indiana earn only 75% of the income men do. That needs to change for our next generation of women entering the workforce!
In addition to helping girls find and use their voices for good, we’re empowering them with dozens of entrepreneurship and financial literacy programs and experiences throughout the year so that they are prepared not only to make bright choices about their finances, but to know their worth every step of the way.
Women make up only 23.3% of elected US Representatives and Senators serving Indiana. Girl Scouts is equipping girls to grow their civics and democracy knowledge and desire to participate through 12 badge programs in democracy and civics, experience at Girl Scout Day at the Statehouse and Page Days, and learn even more through the I Promised a Girl Scout I Would Vote patch program.
Only 41% of Indiana registered voters turned out for the 2022 primaries. That’s even less than the voter turnout in 2018!
Elections offer a unique opportunity to help build a foundation for active citizenship and leadership – two key journeys for Girl Scouts. You have a voice, and it’s important that you use it! Make time to turn out tomorrow.
Learn about the candidates on your ballot at
Haven’t we all tried our hand at aerogami? Oh, that’s what making paper airplanes is called. This fun and sometimes frustrating practice is actually a STEM activity. Tell us in the comments below about the best paper airplane you’ve ever made. What about your design made it really fly? How far did it fly?
If you haven’t practiced aerogami in a while, try these National Paper Airplane activities.
Check back often to learn more!