Looking for a good story?
Look no further than Girl Scouts, with more that 19,000 members councilwide we always have a positive story to tell. If you have a troop story to tell, share it HERE.
We look forward to working with local media to share all the take action, make the world a better place, stories of Girl Scouts of Central Indiana.
In addition to all the amazing girl stories, we have inspirational stories of volunteers making a difference, educational program activities that engage and inspire, and special council events. The possibilities are endless!
Please reach out to our team, we are happy to help.
Lauren Palmer
Director of Communications
7201 Girl Scout Lane
Indianapolis, IN 46214
Office: 317.924.6822
Please send your photos to communications@girlscoutsindiana.org.
Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Servicemark
For a copy of Girl Scouts of Central Indiana’s service mark, contact Lauren Palmer at 317.924.6822.